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African Culture

by Shogo Olalekan Uthman

Shogo Olalekan Uthman is a digital artist born and raised in Nigeria. At the esteemed University of Ilorin, he earned both his B.Sc. and. M.Sc.

At a young age, he realized his love of art. To master the skills of the art, he rapidly joined a group of young digital artists. Soon after, he developed a passion for using digital tools to paint, draw, and express himself using a variety of styles, including expressionism, watercolor, and oil painting. His creations occasionally draw inspiration from dreams.

More importantly, he employs art to produce pieces that reflect contemporary African culture and show youngsters enjoying twilight stories, the pride of an African mother and father, the value of education, and the necessity of hard work.

Uthman strongly ascertained that "No matter how big or small an artist's achievement may be, their journey is incredibly important and powerful, and it deserves to be celebrated".

Curating a collection to highlight an artist's achievements is an amazing way to recognize the amazing journey they have taken. This would be a fantastic chance to honor their achievements to art history as well as provide those who are unfamiliar with the artist's work with a glimpse into the creative process.

Along with creating digital art, he also likes to write. He is now working on a book titled "Dare to Dream" that will be independently published and offered on Amazon KDP and other publishing platforms.

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