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African art blog

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  1. Contemporary African pottery

    Jun 28, 24 07:43 AM

    odundu orange
    Contemporary African pottery is characterized by an eloquence of form and a finesse of finish that one does not generally expect in a vessel of utility.

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  2. Resistance Art

    Jun 26, 24 11:05 AM

    Gavin Jantjes Schooldays and Nights 1978
    In South Africa the years 1968-1971 saw a window for relatively free expression before the Government clamped down on cultural groups linked to the Black Consciousness movement

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  3. African Craft

    Jun 26, 24 10:30 AM

    incised gourds swahili modern
    Immediately, with the phrase African craft one enters into the realm of what is art and what is craft?

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  4. African decor

    Jun 25, 24 10:17 AM

    driftwood counter
    African decor can be hugely dynamic, creative and inspiring

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  5. African Baskets

    Jun 24, 24 09:19 AM

    rice basket moz
    Basket making in Africa is an ancient skill that has survived to this day.

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  6. African jewelry

    Jun 24, 24 09:03 AM

    red selection st louis
    African Jewelry takes many forms and has a number of functions besides bodily adornment.

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  7. African Art

    Jun 21, 24 10:29 AM

    Fang Ngil mask Gabon Christies
    While the focus of this site is contemporary African art, I believe it is essential to understand what has gone before...

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  8. African patterns

    Jun 18, 24 08:59 AM

    african canvases 07
    Africa has a wealth of patterns, everywhere you look you will see repetitions of shapes, colours, textures, lines laid out in all sorts of arrangements

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  9. Contemporary African patterns

    Jun 18, 24 08:54 AM

    Baba tree basket wantedonline
    Creating a pattern is an applied art. Patterns can have great impact.... be it subtle or dramatic

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  10. Contemporary African Bead Art

    Jun 17, 24 02:09 AM

    tameu mrxstitch
    Contemporary beading in Africa takes on many forms..

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