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Contemporary African Art Blog

Contemporary African Art Blog

African Clothing

indigo dress

African clothing commonly refers to the traditional clothing worn by the people of Africa.

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Bodys Isek Kingelez

kingelez ville fantome

Kingelez, Bodys Isek, (1948 - 2015), b Kinshasa, DRC. As a contemporary African artist, this self-taught sculptor is known for the creation of his fantastical cities..

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African Slavery

shackles goree

African Slavery.... Slavery can be simply defined as the activity of having slaves or where individuals are owned by other individuals.

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African decor


African decor can be hugely dynamic, creative and inspiring

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African drums

breasted drum akan

Traditionally, the drum was the heartbeat, the soul of most African communities.

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African Beads and Beading


In Africa, beads have transformed and elevated the ordinary

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Contemporary African Sculpture

Angus taylor-composite portrait

Contemporary African Sculpture

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African Baskets

rice basket moz

Basket making in Africa is an ancient skill that has survived to this day.

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African textiles

vintage urban stax

African textiles are the major form of expression that Africans use to define themselves

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Odili Donald Odita

nomad odili odita bombmag

Odili Donald Odita

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South African Rural Sculpture

fish scraper

South Africa has a rich rural carving tradition.

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Contemporary African pottery

odundu orange

Contemporary African pottery is characterized by an eloquence of form and a finesse of finish that one does not generally expect in a vessel of utility.

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Art workshops SA

lucky sibaya 4 figures invaluable

In 1944, John Koenakeefe Mohl's 'White Studio' in Sophia town, Johannesburg laid the foundation for the establishment of fine art by black artists in South Africa and Art workshops

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Contemporary African patterns

talent kapedza rural homes

Creating a pattern is an applied art. Patterns can have great impact.... be it subtle or dramatic

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African Modernists

Ernest Mancoba

In the 1940s African art was primarily associated with 'primitivism' and its influence on cubism and other forms of post impressionistic art. African Modernists had not yet made an impact.

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African Art

Fang Ngil mask Gabon Christies

While the focus of this site is contemporary African art, I believe it is essential to understand what has gone before...

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Contemporary African Art

serge clottey plastic pollution

Contemporary African Art is difficult to categorize just as singularly defining 'art' in the 21st Century is virtually impossible.

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Contemporary african basketry

lidded basket ngxongo

Contemporary African baskets have achieved their own artistic merit and can stand on their own as art forms.

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African masks

mask choke artsmia

African masks are possibly the most admired and well known art form of Africa. They are both idea and form

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Contemporary African Artists

Gresham naude

I believe that contemporary African artists are faced with an enormous challenge right now

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Contemporary African Recycled Art

Tawanda takura diarrhea speech

Recycled art is one of the most dynamic forms of contemporary art in Africa.

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Wangechi Mutu

mutu oral history bombmag

Wangechi Mutu

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Ayodeji Awoyomi's spirit of david

Ayodeji Awoyomi emerges as a compelling artist whose work seamlessly blends technical proficiency with a deep-seated artistic vision. His journey, beginning

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Tribal Art


What do we define by 'Tribal Art' (also known as Ethnographic art)?

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Expression of African Culture Through Digital Art

ThankGod, a talented digital visual artist, has gained recognition for seamlessly blending elements of the physical and emotional worlds with traditional

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Resistance Art

Gavin Jantjes Schooldays and Nights 1978

In South Africa the years 1968-1971 saw a window for relatively free expression before the Government clamped down on cultural groups linked to the Black Consciousness movement

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African Craft

incised gourds swahili modern

Immediately, with the phrase African craft one enters into the realm of what is art and what is craft?

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African jewelry

red selection st louis

African Jewelry takes many forms and has a number of functions besides bodily adornment.

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African patterns

african canvases 07

Africa has a wealth of patterns, everywhere you look you will see repetitions of shapes, colours, textures, lines laid out in all sorts of arrangements

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Contemporary African Bead Art

tameu mrxstitch

Contemporary beading in Africa takes on many forms..

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